from Avadha (1986)
One day in Afzalgunj
a man named Albuquerque
while returning from his office
vanished all of a sudden,
like the rising smoke vanishing from the roof,
like the rising heat evaporating from the earth.
(like in the movies, but this was real.)
Whither went this Albuquerque,
this quintessential clerk?
What happened to him,
who was full of vigour and vim?
A son,
a daughter,
an ideal wife,
he was a happy family man!
A tamarind tree on that side
A lake on this side.
Once you get into the train
only at Solapur can you detrain.
Only one man knows everything,
a baba named Moinuddin.
His beard itself three-feet long.
His eyes,
nobody has seen their depths.
A great man engulfed in silence –
A wise man who speaks only once
every year.
Yeah, he is there inside a cave in Golconda
beyond our sights.