I am the sea, I felt,
for Hyderabad has no sea,
and spread across
the length and breadth of this great city,
filling its streets,
filling its lanes;
in my desire to belong
lay its anxieties.
it invites me with open arms,
parting its veil, it opens itself,
but, the disturbed mind,
encircled by temples and gopura-s and minars,
wouldn’t open itself.
I roamed, I laid siege,
I sowed clouds
at heights I couldn’t reach.
On shopfronts,
on masjid steps,
on unknown frontyards,
wherever I could
I carved my dreams.
Within, I withered.
In the darkening dusk
who picked up the shattered shells?
Who sobbed their sorrows in secret
so that nobody could hear?
Who erased all their marks
as they moved on?
The breeze has now cooled down
reviving memories of other seas
and other shocks.
It’s been ages,
I slept –
I have more to sleep
I have my own frontiers to embrace.
The flow and feel of the poem has been brought out beautifully in the translation. The inner landscape blends into the outer reality in a poignant yet vibrant manner.