Monday’s Cart
(from Avadha 1986)
See, how it’s trundling along,
this Monday’s cart.
Moving through each lane,
lane by lane,
crushing tar and gravel,
leaving crooked wheel marks.
A huge crushing wheel
leaving behind a long furrow.
Eyes are many, but only
words hang on to words
forming a bridge.
There a stream, here a stream
below is a crocodile mouth ajar.
In case of a breach
all goods would go under.
Belief in god
is the ultimate reason or rhyme.
Quli Qutub Shah’s ghazal
cannot be sung during daytime.
When the bakula flowers sprinkle
on the minar
in the evenings,
it’s time for Bhagyamati to dance.
She, the eternal maiden of the poets,
standing on ancient graves and